HomeAid Southern Nevada Donor Privacy Policy
HomeAid Southern Nevada is committed to respecting the privacy of our donors. We have developed this privacy policy to ensure that our donor information will not be shared with any third party.
HomeAid Southern Nevada provides this Donor Privacy Policy to make you aware of our privacy policy and to inform you of the way your information is used. We also provide you with the opportunity to remove your name from our mailing list, if you desire to do so.
HomeAid Southern Nevada collects and uses various information from donors that includes: amount donated, address, telephone number, donor comments, and email address. Tax laws in the United States require HomeAid Southern Nevada to keep contact information and contribution levels of donors on file.
HomeAid Southern Nevada uses donor information to understand donors’ needs and to provide you with better service. HomeAid Southern Nevada will never sell, trade, rent, or share names (unless released for publication), email or postal addresses, or telephone numbers of our donors. If released for publication, we will list the name of a donor on our website and in printed marketing materials but will remove said name from the list at any time upon request of the donor.
HomeAid Southern Nevada will use contact information (email, postal address, and telephone number) solely for these purposes:
Distribute receipts for donations
Thank donors for their donations
Inform donors of upcoming activities and events
Internal analysis and recordkeeping
Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties unless required by law.
To accept contributions via credit card, HomeAid Southern Nevada uses accredited online payment processing services with industry standard levels of security and data privacy. Unless requested by the donor for the purpose of processing recurring donations, HomeAid Southern Nevada does not store, nor does it have access to, the credit card information, bank account numbers, or any other account data sent to these processing services.
It is our desire to not send unwanted mail to our donors. Please contact us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list. If you have questions regarding our Donor Privacy Policy, please send us an email at homeaid@snhba.com or call us at 702-794-0117 x 5.